An Islamic Treasury of Virtues
14. Unity
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Day of Judgement.” Then, keeping up his diatribe
against Ayadh, Hisham went on his way.
A few days later the two men met again. “O
Hisham,” said Ayadh ibn Ghanam, “we too have
heard the words that you have heard, and have
seen what you have seen and have had the
company of the Prophet just as you did. Did you
not hear the Prophet say, ‘O Hisham, that he who
has advice to give to a ruler should not offer it in
public, but should take him by the hand and
communicate it to him in private. If the ruler
accepts his advice, well and good; and if not, the
giver of the advice will at least have discharged his
responsibility and have done all that he was entitled
to do.
Jabir ibn Abdullah recalls being on an expedition
along with some other Muslims when one of the
Makkan Emigrants struck a Madinan Helper on the
back. Enraged, the Helper shouted to his own