Islam Creator of the Modern Age
1. Islam: Creator of the Modern Age
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In those days, Muslims were so ahead of other
nations that when they were driven out of Spain,
the astrolabes they left behind, by means of which
they had studied heavenly bodies, were turned into
the clock tower of a church, as the Christians did
not understand their use.
It is a fact that in ancient times, polytheism and
superstition held sway all over the world. And it is
also true that it was this polytheism and
superstition, which were the major obstacles to all
kinds of progress. The revolution based on
monotheism, which was brought about in the wake
of Islam, put an almost complete end to polytheism
and superstition for the first time in history.
Afterwards, as a natural result, human history took
to the path of progress.
In ancient times, certain countries produced men
independently of their environment. But due to the
unfavourable atmosphere and hostile environment
of the times, their efforts could not be brought to
fruition. The buds of their knowledge withered
away before they could flower. However, when the