ISLAM - Creator of the Modern Age by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 141

Islam Creator of the Modern Age
3. Muslim Contribution to Science
~ 141 ~
whole period prior to Islam was pervaded by
polytheistic beliefs, which were supportive of
divine kingship. “The King has often stood as
mediator between his people and their god, or as
the god’s representative.”
Some kings pretended
to be incarnations of God, or even gods themselves,
without feeling the need to rationalize their claims.
They did so in order that by the ‘divine right of
kings,’ their absolute sovereignty should never be
questioned. Even where monarchs made no such
claims, they were credited with divinity, because
divinity was universally associated with kings.
Whenever the common people came upon anything
that was out of the ordinary, they regarded it as
supernatural and, if it was a person, they took him
to be a god, or a manifestation of a god. Naturally,
this mentality was not discouraged by the kings.
The ancient rulers, on the contrary, encouraged
such superstitious notions so that people would
continue to regard them as superior beings. In
known history, the Prophet Muhammad, may peace
be upon him, was the first ruler who refuted such
superstitious beliefs, showing them to be without
foundation. In this way, he lead mankind along the
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