Islam As It Is
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This is a fact accepted by reputed historians who
freely admit that the Prophet’s success has never
been equalled either before or after him. Even those
who do not believe in him feel compelled to put the
Prophet’s name at the top of any list they compile of
great figures in world history.
The Prophet’s unique and exceptional success is
usually categorized as a human achievement, pure
and simple, thus entitling him to lavish praise as a
great personality. But there is obviously more to his
success than this, for if it was nothing more than a
‘human achievement’ in the normal sense of the
expression, why is it that no other human being has
been able to equal it? There should have been
nothing to prevent other figures in history from
winning similar or even greater victories. The truth
of the matter is that the exceptional nature of the
Prophet’s success is a sign of the most tremendous
significance: it is a sign of his having had God’s
assistance in whatever he did. It was because he
was God’s prophet, God’s representative on this
earth, that the Almighty gave him His divine suc-
cour. The exceptional success he achieved proved
him over and over again not only to be an