Islam As It Is
Islamic Society
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things more difficult for him. Should one have no
gentle words to offer, one should avoid hurting
others with words of bitterness and wrath.
In his
Imam Malik writes that a man once
came to the Prophet and asked him to give him
some words of guidance on which he could base his
life. The Prophet told him quite simply to avoid
becoming angry. A truly Islamic society consists of
people who are fully conscious of the negative
effects of anger, and who, therefore, sedulously
suppress all such feelings. In this way, they are able
to keep themselves in such a positive frame of mind
that they can face provocation without stooping to
anger, hate, vengeance, envy or scorn. They are
able, on the contrary to follow the path of love,
justice, benevolence, forgiveness, and magnanimity.
Whenever any issue arises which could be the cause
of friction, one should think about it coolly and
decide upon that course of action which is most in
accord with the will of God. Impulsive action
should be avoided and there should be no question
of revenge. On the contrary, one should never lose
sight of the fact that one is going to have to answer