Introducing Islam a Simple Introduction to Islam
Towards Death
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Death will overtake everybody; no one can escape
from it. But death is not the same for everyone.
Some have made God their goal in life; they speak
and keep silence for His sake alone; their attention
is focused entirely on the after-life. Death is for
them the end of a long terrestrial journey towards
their Lord.
Others have forgotten their Lord; they do not do
things for God’s sake; they are travelling away from
their Lord. They are like rebels who roam at large
for a few days, and then death seizes them and
brings them to justice.
Death is not the same for both types of people as it
might seem. For one, death is to partake of the
Lord’s hospitality; for the other, it is to be cast into
His dungeon. For one, death is the gate to paradise;
for the other it will be the day when he is thrown
into hell’s raging fire, to burn there forever as a
punishment for his rebelliousness.
Believers have a different attitude to death from
unbelievers. They are concerned with what comes