Introducing Islam a Simple Introduction to Islam
Only One Chance
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Man is an immortal being. He passes part of his
time on earth and the rest of his time in the
hereafter. This world is for actions; in the next
world we will reap the consequences of our actions.
The only chance we have to work for the Hereafter
is in this world. Afterwards we shall not be able to
act: we shall rather have to bear the consequences of
our actions. We have very little time on earth. Many
who were once among us on earth are now dead
and gone. In the same way we shall be removed one
day from the land of the living. Our lives will end
and we shall be brought before the Lord.
This life is the first and last chance that we shall
have to build an eternal future for ourselves. We
have only one life on earth, and it is in this life that
we must prove our worth. We are being tried on
earth, and this trial is sure to reach a decisive
outcome. We shall not be able to escape the
consequences of our actions.
Every second that passes is conclusive, for time that
has passed can never return. We have only one