Introducing Islam a Simple Introduction to Islam
What is Truth?
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discipline can enable man to transcend these natural
limitations and convey to him a knowledge of
absolute truth.
So the stage is left to the Prophet. A prophet is a
human being who asserts that God has chosen
him and revealed true knowledge to him for the
purpose of conveying it to others. Intrinsically,
this is the only plausible claim so far, for only
God, who is eternal and omniscient, can have
actual knowledge of truth. God’s divinity itself is
proof of His all-pervading knowledge of reality.
The claim of one who asserts that he has received
knowledge of truth from God is worthy of
Here the question arises of there having been not
just one prophet. There are many divine
scriptures and many prophets have been sent to
the world; which of them should be followed? A
person who is really sincere in his search for
truth, however, will have no trouble in finding
the answer to this question. There is no doubt
that in the past God has raised many individuals
to the status of prophethood, but one can judge