Introducing Islam a Simple Introduction to Islam
Heavenly Character
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which pleases God; he should obey God, as the
cosmos does.
The iron of the cosmos should be the model for
human resoluteness. The water which flows forth
from hard rocks gives man the example of leniency
and compassion. The laws of nature are immutable;
so man is required to be faithful to his promises.
The world of matter is fragrant, colourful and
elegant; man following the same pattern should
deal equitably with others. Billions of stars revolve
continuously, but never collide with one another;
man following this cosmic pattern should operate
within his own sphere, being careful to avoid
clashing with others. Trees take in carbon dioxide
and supply us with oxygen in return; this action is
required on a human level in the observance of
certain ethical values, such as doing good to those
who harm one. Mountains, and everything that
stands erect, cast their shadows on the ground as if
in an act of self prostration; so man is required to be
humble in the same way; he should not be
domineering or proud.