In Serch of God
2. Does God Exist?
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simple reason that after some time, they reached an
unmanageable limit, and collapsed.
Contrary to this, the universe presents an
exceptionally different example. Although the
universe is constantly expanding at an astonishing
speed, it is still functioning smoothly after billions
and billions of years of expansion. It has never
become unmanageable to the point of collapsing.
This exceptionally unique phenomenon of the
universe is a sufficient proof that there is a Super
Manager or Super Planner behind this world.
Otherwise, it would have collapsed long ago.
(For more details, see
Evidence of God in an
Expanding Universe,
compiled by John Clover
Studies show that there is complete harmony in the
universe. There are innumerable stars and planets
in space, perhaps more than all the grains of sand
on the coasts of all the oceans. All these bodies are
continuously moving at an unbelievably rapid