The Ideology of Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 96

Ideology of Peace
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they must destroy all nuclear bombs. Such an
action would lead to a peace ‘explosion’. Anyone
who dared to do so, would emerge as a spiritual
winner, and a moral superpower, unlike the
competitors in the nuclear race, where there can be
no winner.
It is a fact that being a moral superpower is on a far
higher plane than being a nuclear superpower. But
this kind of revolutionary step cannot be taken on a
bilateral basis. It is possible only on a unilateral
basis. Nuclear disarmament is not simply an act of
destroying nuclear weapons. Nuclear disarmament,
in actuality, is to turn a ‘violence bomb’ into a
‘peace bomb’. It would bring about a peaceful
explosion. Any nation that proves bold enough to
take this peace initiative would apparently lose its
status of nuclear power. But at the same time, it
would gain a far more elevated status — that of a
moral or spiritual superpower. Only such a
superpower can meet the need of the hour, which is
to initiate the process of peace. Only this peace
‘explosion’ can transform a world overflowing with
violence into a world where peace reigns supreme.
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