Ideology of Peace
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One should be able to respond, uninfluenced by
emotion in spite of being provoked. This principle
applies not only to the individual but also to entire
nations. Positive status quoism is undoubtedly the
surest way to success, but only those can adopt this
method who have the ability to think independently
of the psychology of anger.
The principle of positive status quoism can be
adopted only by those who have the mental
discipline not to resort to violence, despite facing
unpleasant situations. Those who cannot curb
violent tendencies will never be able to experience
the benefits of positive status quoism.
One of the laws of nature is that non-violence is
result-oriented, while violence is destruction-
oriented. Therefore, if the individual confines his
activities to the field of gentleness and non-violence,
his work will yield results, whereas one who opts
for the way of violence and intolerance regresses
instead of advancing.