The Ideology of Peace by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 44

Ideology of Peace
~ 44 ~
he can flout the rule of law by driving his car on the
left will certainly have an accident.
This accident would apparently have occurred due
to the collision of another’s car with him, but he
would have no justification in saying that another
motorist had injured him by hitting his car. On the
contrary, he should have to admit that his car had
collided with another, because he had been driving
on the wrong side of the street, while the other
motorist was on the right side.
The same is true of all other aspects of human
existence. Whenever you have to face any loss
in life, you must consider that whatever
happened was due to your own shortcomings.
This is the way of peaceful thinking—the
correct way of thinking in the affairs of this
life. If you can think along the right lines, you
will be able to set yourself rect ifying your
mistakes, which will save your future. If you
take the opposite course, you will put all the
blame for your feelings of distress on others,
and then, by taking a violent option, you will
destroy your future, having already destroyed
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