Ideology of Peace
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in the Hereafter should be the target of the human
struggle. In this way he dispelled the notion that
worldly progress should be one’s aim in life, for
that is what ultimately results in all kinds of
confrontation and violence. His formula for better
living was to make oneself useful to others, and if
that was not possible, then at least to do others no
harm; no one should be regarded as an enemy; even
the enemy must be given fair treatment, for only
then would the realization come that one’s enemy
was potentially one’s friend: the ‘enemy’ always has
it in him to be a friend.
The Prophet of Islam was a peace lover to the
ultimate extent. His opponents repeatedly
attempted to draw him into war, but on each
occasion he avoided becoming entangled. However,
sometimes in view of unilateral aggression, he had
no option but to fight purely in self-defence, and for
a limited duration. Badr is one such battle.
History shows that at the exact moment when the
armies of both sides were standing ready for battle,