God Arises
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academically, carry any weight. Nor does
experience testify to it. This theory, based on a total
denial of the human will, regards man simply as a
product of economic conditions. Like the soap-cakes
manufactured in a factory, man is moulded in the
factory of environment. He does not act with an
independent mind, but simply conforms to
whatever conditioning he has been subjected to. If
this were an incontrovertible fact, how could it have
been possible for Marx, himself the product of a
‘capitalist society’, to revolt against the economic
conditions prevailing in his time? If the
contemporary economic system gave birth to
religion, why not believe then, according to the
same logic, that Marxism too is the product of the
same conditions? If the stand taken by Marxism on
religion is correct, why should this not be applicable
to Marxism itself? It follows that this theory is
absurd. There is no scientific and rational proof to
support it.
Experience too has exposed the false premises of
this theory. The example of the Erstwhile U.S.S.R.,
where this ideology had been predominant for
sixty-five years, will serve to illustrate our point.