God Arises
A Final Word
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Creation, to be judged according to their deeds on
earth. Death brings an end to their life on earth in
order that their eternal life may commence.
Whether their life after death is good or bad will
depend upon how they have conducted themselves
in this life. It will be their lot either to dwell in a
state of total felicity, or to be afflicted forever by
unspeakable torments. That time must inevitably
come. There is absolutely nothing we can do to
avert it. The best we can do is strive to avoid
bringing down upon ourselves untold and
everlasting agony.
What, then, is mankind waiting for? Isn’t death’s
inevitability enough to jolt people out of their moral
lethargy and bring them finally to their senses? Do
people need any further incentive to mend their
ways? Does not the thought that if they do not do
so, they will be condemned to burn in Hellfire
forever, have any impact upon their depravity?
Think of it. When you die, and your loved ones
come to place flowers on your grave, you yourself
may already be suffering the severest and most
agonizing punishment for your contumacy. Ponder
over this. Is not this something to be feared?