GOD ARISES by Maulana Waiduddin Khan - page 152

God Arises
Nature and Science Speak about God
~ 152 ~
enquiry futile. Thomas Parks, a research chemist,
One of the first things a freshman chemistry
student learns is the periodicity or order
found in the elements. This order has been
variously described and classified, but we
usually credit Mendeleev, the Russian chemist
of the last century with our periodic table. Not
only did this arrangement provide a means of
studying the known elements and their
compounds, but it also gave impetus to the
search for those elements which had not yet
been discovered. Their very existence was
postulated by vacant spaces in the orderly
arrangement of the table.
Chemists today still use the periodic table to
aid them in their study of reactions and to
predict properties of unknown or new
compounds. That they have been successful is
sound testimony to the fact that a beautiful
order exists in the inorganic world.
But the order we see around us is not a
relentless omnipotence. It is tempered with
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