God Arises
Nature and Science Speak about God
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present amount, the orbital velocity would be
only one-half, the winter season would be
doubled in length and life would be frozen
out. If its solar distance were halved, the heat
received would be four times as great, the
orbital velocity would be doubled, seasons
would be halved in length, if changes could
even be effected, and the planet would be too
parched to sustain life. In size and distance
from the sun, and in orbital velocity, the earth
is able to sustain life, so that mankind can
enjoy physical, intellectual and spiritual life as
it now prevails.
If in the origin of life there was no design,
then living matter must have arisen by
chance. Now chance or probability as it is
termed, is a highly developed mathematical
theory which applies to that vast range of
objects of knowledge that are beyond absolute
certainty. This theory puts us in possession of
the soundest principles on which to
discriminate truth from error, and to calculate
the likelihood of the occurrence of any
particular form of an event (pp.19-23).