The Garden of Paradise
The Inheritance of Paradise
~ 74 ~
The believer is like a solid tree, which is nourished
by the whole universe. Sustained by his belief, he
grows like a splendid tree, with his roots spread out
under the ground and his branches reaching up into
the sky. Never deserted by divine succour, he
exudes freshness and vitality at all times. He
prospers in this world and the next.
The unbeliever, on the other hand, is like a bramble
bush, or a weed which grows on the surface of the
earth, bereft of divine succour. He is unstable in this
world, and will give no fruit in the next. He loses
out in both places.
God has given unbelievers some rein in this
ephemeral world, and the opportunities they have
been given on earth should be seen in this light.
Since they are being tested in this world, they have
the chance to grow and develop temporarily on
earth. But when the period of trial has run its
course, they will burn forever. The only souls to
inherit the luxuriant world of paradise will be those