The Way to Find God
The Teachings of the Prophet
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God’s religion is one religion. It is that one religion
which has always been revealed to prophets, but
man, in his carelessness, has always marred or
altered the true way. Prophet Muhammad revived
the divine religion and presented it in scriptural
form for posterity. His religion is the true religion
until the end of time. It is the only way to achieve
closeness to God and salvation in the afterlife.
He taught that God is One; He has no partner. He
created all things and has complete control over the
universe. We should serve Him and submit to Him
alone. In Him should we repose our hopes and to
Him should we pray. Though He cannot be seen, he
is so close to us that he hears and answers us when
we call upon Him. There is no greater sin than to
consider that He could have any counterpart or
There is no intermediary between God and man. By
remembering God, a person establishes direct
contact with Him; there is no need for any go-
between. No one will be able to intercede before