Such communal and political rivalries, even if they are in the name
of Islam, are not Islamic. This amounts to engaging in non-Islamic
politics in the name of Islam. It means carrying out non-religious
activities in the name of religion. It is high time thatMuslims realized
that it is incumbent upon them to totally abandon such communal
and political activities, and plan anew their approach in order to
build a bright future for generations to come. The kind of communal
politics Muslims are engaged in have not shown any positive results
so far, nor is this going to show any such results in the future.
AComprehensive Concept of Islam
There are some who present a comprehensive concept of Islam. They
insist that Islam is a complete system and includes not only beliefs,
worship and ethics but also a political systemwithout the establishment
of which Islam remains incomplete. This would appear to be a
comprehensive concept of Islam. But, in reality, it is a purely destructive
concept. It is this so-called comprehensive concept of Islam which has
lead directly to theMuslimmilitancy of the present day.
If you believe in Islam, worship according to the Islamic way
and observe the ethical principles of Islam, this all relates to your
personal life. In doing so, you do not come into confrontation with
anyone. But the moment your target is to establish Islamic rule
over some land, political power being almost always in someone
else’s possession, this immediately sets your foot on the path to
confrontation. This political goal thrusts you into thinking that it is
right and proper to occupy those seats of power -- which are seldom
vacant -- and take the reins of power into your own possession.
Such thinking naturally takes one on to a collision course, causing
two groups to unnecessarily clash with one another. The Muslim
militancy affecting different parts of the world today is directly the
result of this so-called “complete” concept of Islam.
The truth is that Islam, in actual fact, consists of following the
commands of God in letter and spirit. In so far as the enforcement
of the political and legal commands of Islam in society is concerned,
the prevailing circumstances must first be taken into account. If
the society in question is willing to accept these commands, then
through peaceful efforts these commands may be enforced --
otherwise not. The principle of Islam is: responsibility is according
to one’s capacity (2:286)
The Guidance of the Prophet