The Call of the Quran
2. The Call to God and Unity
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Even the killing of caliph ‘Uthman could not put an
end to Muslims’ internal strife, for now they were
divided into two groups over the requital for the
murder of Caliph ‘Uthman. This deadly fight
between the two factions continued for years.
Deviation from the general cause of calling people
to Islam harmed Muslims in two ways; on the one
hand the process of dissemination and promotion of
Islam came to a complete halt, while on the other
the Muslims’ strength began to be pitted against
their own people. Islam, once a binding force, now
became the banner under which internal battles
were fought.
Having experienced ten long years of strife and
conflict, the Muslims were reunited in the year 41
A.H. And for that reason it is known in the history
of Islam as the year of reunion. This blessing of
unity came to the Muslims through Hasan ibn ‘Ali
about whom the Prophet had predicted that he
would be the harbinger of peace and reconciliation
between the two great factions of Muslims.
Hasan was appointed the fifth caliph after the death
of his father ‘Ali. Seeing that the caliphate had