Today shopping is an important activity for many people. For
example, many people spend hours, even days, visiting stores to
find clothes to show off to their friends. They spend a lot of money
on clothes that they will wear only a few times in their lives, and
despite the fact that their closet is full, they may buy new clothes
with undiminished passion. For these people, shopping has gone
beyond being a means to meet their needs and become an impor-
tant part of their lives. It is characteristic of some that they actually
lose themselves in shopping and very often buy things that later on
they will regret having bought.
Surely, shopping is necessary for everyone and can
even be a pleasant chore. But the error in it is that it
may instil worldly desires in people and make
them completely oblivious of the afterlife.
They devote their whole lives, thoughts
and plans to this activity, and instead of
seeking ways to please Allah Who cre-
ated them, they try to find satisfaction in
minor occupations such as shopping.
As in every area of life, a person who
24 Hours in the Life of a Muslim