blessings are given to us such as life, health, intelli-
gence, consciousness, the five senses, and the air we
breathe. And we should give thanks for every one of these
blessings separately. People who are careless in their remem-
brance of Allah and recollection of the proofs of His creation do not
realise the value of their blessings while they have them; they do
not give thanks and they only understand the value of these bless-
ings when they are taken from them.
But believers consider how helpless they are and how much
they need these blessings, and so they always thank Allah for them.
The believers don't only thank Allah for wealth, property and pos-
sessions; but knowing that Allah is the Owner of and Ruler over
everything, they thank our Lord for their health, good looks,
knowledge, intelligence, for their love of their faith and disgust for
godlessness, for the fact that they are on the right path, for their as-
sociation with pure believers, for their understanding, insight and
perception, and for their spiritual and physical strength. They im-
mediately give thanks to Allah when they see a beautiful view or
when they manage their work well, when they receive something
they wanted, hear a good word and witness acts of love and re-
spect, and other such blessings that are too many to mention. They
remember Him as the Compassionate and Merciful One.
If a believer shows in his acts of gratitude that the blessings he
has received will not make him greedy, arrogant or haughty, Allah
will give him even more blessings. This statement of Allah in the
Qur'an speaks of this:
And when your Lord announced: "If you are grateful, I will
Harun Yahya